IMS 30 Day Breathing Challenge


We are so excited that you have decided to join our community to learn the importance of breath. 

Once the challenge begins, you will be provided daily breathing sessions in both short and long formats for 30 days. You can use the short format (3-5 minutes ) when you feel a need to reset your brain, body, or emotions.  

The long format will allow for delving into how breathing along with slow exercises focusing on joint alignment and breath can start to change how you feel, move, and live in your body.  

Each day for 30 days you will find a new breathing practices in your online account.  Each session is recorded in a video and audio format.  

After 30 days of this type attention to your breath and your body you will want to keep going.  You will have a new and renewed understanding of how your body works and how you can harness you need  that for the health of your body, mind and spirit.


50% Complete

Two Step

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